He Is Surely Alive!

A love and prayer blog, by Jane Ann Glaze
Alisa Baby Glaze Brock Eowyn Glaze Friends Jordana Glaze Music Phil PRAYERS Rudyard Glaze


As I am worshiping you today Lord, I fall on my knees and on my face and I come before you and thank you for the way you have always been so good to me.

Has life been perfect, ‘no’, but I have seen you in the mist of every moment in my life and I am so thankful.

Thank you for always comforting me during the hard times.  I thank you for ALWAYS protecting me, even from the things I can’t see.  I know that your MIGHTY WARRING ANGELS surround me daily even minute by minute.

Thank you for opening and closing doors Lord…  I am especially thankful for the doors you have closed.  When I am walking through life and the close door may seem like a disappointment at the moment, you have always revealed to me later that the closed door was a blessing from you and saved me from a lot of heart ache.

Thank you for the people you have put in my life and for the ones you have removed from my life.  All of which is by your design.

Thank you for my parents, husband, son, daugher-n-law and grandchildren and all of our extended family members.  I am so very blessed, blessed beyond measure and I don’t deserve all you have done for me here on this earth.  But Lord I am so VERY THANKFUL AND I KNOW IT IS ALL FROM YOU!  WHY?  thank I don’t know know Lord, but I am so thankful.

I am thankful for your friendship to me… not only are You my SAVIOR (MOST IMPORTANTLY) BUT YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND!  The conversations that we have or you let me have with you mostly, I CHERISH!  I am never alone because you are always with me!

Lord I pray that you will pour out these same blessing upon all my family and friends.  That they may see and feel your goodness even in this tough world that we live in.  Lord I long to be with you and spend eternity with  you and I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOUR FACE AND BOW AT YOUR KNEES WITH A GRATEFUL HEART!  JESUS I LOVE YOU WITH EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE!




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