He Is Surely Alive!

A love and prayer blog, by Jane Ann Glaze
Eowyn Glaze Jordana Glaze Prayer Warrior in Training Rudyard Glaze

Meet me at the Well

Wow today is September 21, 2018… it has been too long since I have spent quiet time with Jesus.  I love to get off by myself and just spend time with my best friend, Jesus.

This morning as He and I were talking I was sharing with Him how I LONG to meet Him face to face, that I love worshiping Him and listening to Him.  I apologized to Him that I had been spending too much time allowing the darkness of the worlds situations to over whelm my thoughts and time.  When I should be sincerely praying, and that I have been doing, but I have not been setting aside the time I truly love to spend with just Him, asking for nothing from Him but instead worshiping Him in soul, mind and spirit.  These times spent with Him renew, revive and restore my mind and heart to steady myself for the war that is going on all around me.  I want to be the warrior for Jesus that is not afraid to face the day to day situations and to grow and grow in Him and in His knowledge as He teaches me how to war in prayer and to be BOLD as I stand with Him… I am not alone and I can not forget that…. I want to be the warrior that is not afraid of standing… and even standing on the front lines, knowing He is before me, He is with me and He is behind me.  I do not want to ever try to go it alone or even speak words that are not from Him.

So I picked up my bible today asking Him to speak… and speak He does.  I love that about Him.   He wants to speak to me and I LOVE IT!

He directs me to John 3 and 4.  As I am reading I come to the women at the well.  I love the verses in chapter 4:39-42

John 4:39-42 from the NLT

39  And many of the Samaritans of the city believed in Him because of the word of the women who testified, “He told me all that I ever did.”  40  So when the Samaritans had come to Him, they urged Him to stay with them; and He stayed there for two days,

41  And many more believed because of His OWN word.

42  Then they said to the women, “Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, The SAVIOR of the world.”


That is what I desire more than anything, is that the ones I love,  my family, friends and everyone, will have their OWN ENCOUNTER with Jesus.  My prayer is just that what Jesus has given me, will be something that others see and desire to have for themselves.

My prayer today is that Jesus meets me at the Well!

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