He Is Surely Alive!

A love and prayer blog, by Jane Ann Glaze
Journal Entries

Prayers for my friends

For some reason I didn’t date this entry in my journal. But I did title it:

Dear Sisters,

Pray… Pray Continually!  Ask, Ask Ask, Listen, Listen, Listen.   Be quiet before the Lord, be still before the ALMIGHT God!

We serve a God that made the mountain or the valley you are in right now, so He is the one who can move it.  He told the ocean that it can only go ‘this far”.

There is NOTHING, I mean NOTHING that God can not do… Ask and Believe.  When you are praying for something you KNOW is Gods will, BELIEVE it will be answered.

Listen, Listen to God, He speaks to you.  He is your sheppard, the bible says “My sheep hear my voice.

John 10:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.


If you do not think you hear God, tell Him that.  Ask Him to speak clearly to you, ask Him to help you to recognize His voice.

God wants to hear from you.

He reminded me a few weeks ago that I asked for more of Him in my life… He said “He wants my life.”

God loves you!  God wants it more than you do.  God needs you and he has called you to for His purpose.

If you know the calling on  your life and you decide you do not want to do it, God will find someone else to do it.  He will find a willing vessel.  But you will lose out on the blessings that He has JUST FOR YOU!

We are like a candle burning for Christ!

Are you burnt out?

Has your wick even ever be lit?

Do you not feel worthy to Shine?

this was the end of my journal entry… but today I encourage you to seek God, seek His face and His calling on your life.  It will be the best decision you will ever make.

My prayer for you today:

Lord wrap your loving arms around the person reading this today.  Turn their hearts and desires toward You.  May they have a God Encounter with you that changes their lives forever.  Renew their minds and fill them with your peace and may your spirit flow through them in a MIGHTY way!  Thank you Jesus for always hearing and answering our prayers!

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